An immersive experience of this sumptuous 50’ single + loft.


Discerning homeowners recognize that luxury encompasses more than just the bricks and mortar of a new home. It is also dependent on the location of the community, its ambience, and equally important – the builder’s intention. Luxury is the expectation that wellness be the focus of every aspect of how a community is designed and built. Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is a dynamic process of change and growth: a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.
Wellness, Luxury reimagined.

The Kylemore Difference is a Wellness Home.
Explore Now.





















Physical – Vibrant health nurtured by exercise, food, sleep, and relaxation.


Emotional – A positive outlook on life, resilience to adversity and ability to form lasting relationships with other people. The freedom to be authentic.


Social/Cultural – Strong bonds and connections to friends, multi-generations of family, and community, and a feeling of being supported and appreciated.


Spiritual – Belief in a higher power or universal force that connects all beings, and ability to place a high value on others’ needs.


Intellectual – The ability to always learn new things and to feel empowered to explore new ideas and ways of thinking.


Environmental – A feeling of security inside and out, in living spaces that foster physical and emotional well-being.


Financial – Security over finances, without stress about making ends meet or being able to support a family comfortably.